Pictured at 23
Rick Petzold, 26"Overzealous in a Crash"
The exact circumstances surrounding Rick’s childhood are unclear. If we are to believe the salacious, unauthorized biography penned by Michael R. Peacock, Esquire, titled "Rick Petzold: Behind The Overzealousness," things were not as pretty as the 99.2%-free-of-crabgrass sidewalks of Margate would suggest. In his New York Times Best Seller, Peacock went on to insinuate that he never found evidence proving that Petzold colored outside of the lines in his coloring books from Grades 1-through-3, so how do we know that he didn’t? Peacock also mentioned, in Chapter Four: The Fall of Decadence, that Petzold recklessly squandered his trust fund on Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle and G.I. Joe action figures in the late 80s. He’s been impoverished ever since. Rick was actually informed that the winner of Ridicathlon 2010 will receive a large cash prize. However, this is a lie. But he doesn’t know it. And it’s the only reason that he’s competing. Things could get ugly.
Training tips: If you want to be stronger and faster than someone you are competing against, then do not post your training tips on the Internet.
Coach: Samuel Summerville
In Defense of Milk: I still honestly don’t understand the line made famous by Ron Burgundy "It's so damn hot... milk was a bad choice." What!? When is milk ever a bad choice? It’s not. That is a foolish, foolish statement.
Why Rick will win: "Because I eat subs only made by White House, Sack O’ Subs, or Dino’s; where real men eat subs."
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